AI Watch: Stay Up-to-Date on the Latest Generative AI Developments

by himanshi
AI Watch

AI Watch: Weekly Updates for the Latest in Generative AI News is a great title for a weekly newsletter that provides updates on the latest generative AI news. It is informative, attention-grabbing, and relevant to the target audience. It also conveys the specific focus of the newsletter, which is to provide weekly updates on the latest generative AI news.

Some of the benefits of subscribing to AI Watch:

  • Stay up-to-date on the latest generative AI research and applications.
  • Learn about the most promising new generative AI startups and companies.
  • Discover the latest trends and developments in the field of generative AI.
  • Get insights from leading generative AI experts and researchers.
  • Find opportunities to get involved in the generative AI community.

In the middle of the bustle of generative AI advancements, Adweek’s weekly AI roundup collects the most recent news, legal actions, and commercial developments.

Here’s the update for this week:

In terms of law and policy:

Numerous newspapers participated in lobbying activities on Capitol Hill last week, which were organized by the trade association News Media Alliance, which represents over 2,000 publishers and the interests of the news media business.

This includes a variety of media, from internet behemoths like Vox Media to regional newspapers like the Idaho Press. Their main goal was to promote copyright protection for AI in light of the fact that the technology continues to endanger publishers’ sources of income.

According to Bloomberg Law, tech behemoths including Amazon, Google, and Microsoft are meeting with state legislators to discuss strategies to govern AI. Their approach seems to be focused on allaying politicians’ concerns about AI and providing them with more information about this technology and how it works.

These discussions have taken place with lawmakers all the way from Albany, New York, to Austin, Texas, in the southern United States. Microsoft is actively pursuing talks with New York officials after investing $13 billion in OpenAI.

According to lobbying records, corporate officials have met with at least 10 state legislators, including Kathy Hochul’s (D) office as governor.

AI watch

Regarding Technology:

Through Ads Manager, Meta makes its generative AI technologies available to advertisers. Marketers can now test out background generation for creatives, image cropping to retrofit creative assets across formats like reels and in-feed advertisements, and text variation for ad content across multiple audiences.

This announcement comes soon after Meta’s AI sandbox, which it unveiled in May and made available to select marketers like Publicis, had an early version of its AI features. The three tools from the Sandbox are trained using data sourced from Meta’s platforms, including ads, data licensed from partners and vendors, as well as data from third parties and publicly available sources, according to Matt Steiner, Meta’s vp of monetization, during a press briefing on Tuesday.

Similar to this, according to Adweek, the business network site LinkedIn has unveiled its generative AI capabilities for B2B marketers. By providing recommendations for comprehensive marketing strategies and automating optimization, these solutions are made to help B2B marketers achieve precision in targeting.

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AI Watch

Using this technology, marketers can interact with their B2B audiences through customized creative content in only five minutes, said Abhishek Shrivastava, vp of product at LinkedIn.

Visa, a provider of online payments, announced the opening of a $100 million venture fund for businesses focused on “developing generative AI technologies and applications that will impact the future of commerce and payments,” the firm said in a statement on Monday. Visa now joins the expanding group of investors who have expressed interest in this industry.

According to Axios, online presentation platform Canva has been upgraded with generative AI to help regular workers be more creative. Ten new products have been released under the Magic Studio label, each of which is intended to help with a different activity. These tasks range from applying corporate brand styles to document translation and photo editing.

According to Cameron Adams, co-founder and head of product at Canva, AI has enormous potential to supercharge the 99% of office workers who don’t have design expertise and who haven’t had access to easy-to-use sophisticated design tools before. In the meantime, the business will defend its commercial clients who make use of the new AI capabilities, ensuring protection from intellectual property claims or any other potential legal concerns.


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